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Onboarding - the first 30 days [Advice for Employers]

You’ve been through the interviews, the offer has been accepted and your new employee has just started.

Here’s a few tips for the first 30 days:

Be there on Day 1 when your new employee starts

This can be virtually or face-to-face. It’s important and sets the right tone. Greet them warmly and take time for a conversation. Don’t rush into another meeting or be on a long call. Be involved in their first hour.

Introduce them to helpful co-workers, again face-to-face or via Zoom/TEAMS

Those colleagues who can help with the technology, the culture, the norms, what to do and what not to do.

Get them organised

Make sure the phone has their personalised greeting and that the email signature is correct. It doesn’t create a great impression when someone is trying to contact the new person and can’t connect, or the technology doesn’t work.

Explain your culture

Discuss the networks, the influencers, the coalitions, the heritage.

Discuss your products/services

Provide the resources for research – manuals, SOPs, online platforms, Intranet links. Be available to answer questions.

Discuss your organisation’s customers

Even in the same sector the new customer base will be different. Different demographics, psychographics, challenges, motivators. Set up, encourage and facilitate meetings.

Identify and discuss urgent priorities

Explain how ‘urgent’ projects fit with strategic goals. Answer questions. Check for understanding. Allow time.

Introduce a mentor, a trusted advisor

Maybe someone from a different department. Someone who is more experienced, who has been with the organisation for a long time and who can be a sounding board.

Be positive around your new employee

Be happy and upbeat. Be friendly. Always smile. Have daily chats. Make sure that everything is OK. Don’t complain, about anything – your new employee doesn’t want to hear it and would expect that you would be fixing it.