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Opening of GP20 with address by RACGP Acting President, Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda

Sat 21st Nov and it’s RACGP’s GP20. The conference is being opened with a dance performed by Djirri Djirri. Djirri Djirri is the only Wurundjeri female dance group, and also Traditional Custodians of Narrm. RACGP Acting President, Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda opening remarks are:

“the last 12 months have been momentous times for General Practice with bush fires and then the pandemic. It’s made clear how vital primary care is when disaster strikes”

“These are challenging times and the GPs have served the community with distinction”

“The Government took the advice of the RACGP and expanded tele-health and the provision of PPE”

“General Practice must be at the front and center of our minds this year”

“The College is preparing for returning to training, improving the delivery of future training, and supporting the professional development program”

Special mention was made of the significant contributions made by the late Dr Harry Nespolon.

HPG’s General Practice Team are attending GP20. Come to the delegates section and say hello to: Brayden Ball, Cocoa Lynch, Courtney Roche, Glenn Carter, Rachele Sinclair

HPG (Healthcare Professionals Group)
