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“Disasters and general practice in the spotlight”

“Disasters and general practice in the spotlight” is the topic of Saturday’s GP20 plenary session. Dr Penny Burns is discussing the key role GPs play in disaster management, from prevention, surveillance, and early intervention in the weeks, months, and years after a disaster has passed and related health conditions continue to present.

GPs are on the ground when disaster strikes and General Practice is an essential member of disaster response teams.

The acute deterioration of chronic disease triples in a disaster; with an increased risk of long term complications.

In Australia we have seen extraordinary innovations in General Practice because of COVID (respiratory clinics, telehealth, virtual engagement).

Disaster Management approaches include: MIMMS - Major Incident Medical Management and Support; and the importance of collaboration between Primary Health Networks, Local Health Districts, State GP Disaster Management Committees; GP Liaison Officers; and the Australian Health Principal Protection Committee (AHPPC).

HPG’s General Practice Team are attending GP20. Come to the delegates section and say hello to: Brayden Ball, Cocoa Lynch, Courtney Roche, Glenn Carter, Rachele Sinclair

HPG (Healthcare Professionals Group)
