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Latest developments in the Clinical Quality Registries Framework review

Session 2, Day 2 MedTech20: Latest developments in the Clinical Quality Registries Framework review. Key points covered were:

CQRs have the potential to report on data to a wide range of stakeholders including clinicians, patients, hospital administrators, government, funders and insurers.

CQR emerging issues include: data access and linkage; clinical audit mechanisms; outlier management; integration with eMR - National Data Sets; eHealth records and Value: patient outcomes, appropriateness and QA.

Barriers to national reporting include restrictions on the disclosure, collection and use of patient-level data, and varying hospital and jurisdictional data governance arrangements; non-standardised CQR architectures, operating systems and data structures which are inefficient; and lack of interoperable information systems.

Strategic plans include working towards a model for national clinical quality data collections in priortised clinical domains.


Thanks to the speakers: Natascha Millard, Bernadette Aliprandi-Costa