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COVID has reinforced that a strong manufacturing capability is essential

Session 4 of MedTech20 and the Hon Karen Andrews MP spoke" "The MTAA and the entire sector responded so valiantly to COVID"; and "The MTAA led the effort to ensure that Australians had access to vital medical resources".

COVID has resulted in innovation in Australia eg production lines were re-purposed; and 3D printers were used to produce low-cost ventilators.

"COVID has reinforced that a strong manufacturing capability is essential".

Australia needs to become a world leader in adopting new technologies; and the $1.5 billion modern manufacturing strategy was outlined, with medical products being a priority area.

The strategy will be led by industry with Government acting as a 'trusted partner', outlining clear goals and performance indicators over the next 2, 5 and 10 years.

Recovery must be about securing a lasting prosperity and MedTech will play a key role.


Thanks to the speakers: Karen Andrews, Daniel Grant