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Zoe Callister-Hakewill | Revolutionising Healthcare Recruitment: Looking Past The Resume

Are you tired of being reduced to a mere list of qualifications on your job applications?

Zoe highlighted how HPG's industry specialist consultants "looked at me as a whole person, taking into account my personality, skills, and career aspirations."

This refreshing approach sets HPG apart from the rest, and Zoe highly recommends them to anyone in search of a job that truly suits them.

Zoe's innovative problem-solving abilities are another quality that sets her apart in the workplace. She doesn't just stick to conventional methods of solving problems; she thinks outside the box and comes up with innovative solutions that make a real difference. Zoe believes that creativity is essential in problem-solving and can revolutionise the way we work.

During the podcast, Zoe also highlighted the challenges faced by staff, the elderly, and their families in aged care facilities. She emphasised the need for greater awareness and support to improve the quality of life for the elderly and their families. Zoe's compassion for those in need and her commitment to creating a more positive and compassionate culture in aged care is both admirable and inspiring.

The lack of funding for trials and devices in the healthcare industry is a significant issue, and Zoe emphasised how this can result in potentially life-changing solutions never making it to market due to financial constraints. This is a problem that needs to be addressed, and Zoe believes that greater investment in healthcare commercialisation is essential to ensure that innovative treatments and technologies are accessible to those who need them.

Zoe's innovative problem-solving abilities, and her compassion for those in need make her a valuable contributor to the workforce.

Her emphasis on creativity and the need for greater investment in healthcare commercialisation is a reminder of the importance of innovation and access to life-changing technologies for all. Don't settle for a job that doesn't value you as a whole person; turn to HPG Consultants for a personalised approach to finding your dream job.

Spotify -https://hpg.jobs/3LmzlMe
Apple Podcast -https://hpg.jobs/3Ls4WvP
Youtube -https://hpg.jobs/3YL5gsI
SoundCloud -https://hpg.jobs/409dV9l

Reach out to our recruitment specialists for a confidential consult.
E: enquiries@hpgconnect.com
N: 02 8877 8777