
Healthcare is our focus.

We focus on all areas and connect at all levels and all disciplines.

  • ​​We work with multi-national healthcare organisations;
  • Medical, diagnostic and imaging facilities;
  • Aged care providers and residential facilities;
  • Health insurance funds;
  • Government departments;
  • Public and private hospitals.

Our role is to place healthcare professionals into healthcare and healthcare-related positions, where they enhance the lives and well-being of patients.

​Candidates and clients choose to work with HPG for the following reasons:​
  • 26 years in healthcare recruitment
  • Extensive in-house training
  • Healthcare experience & qualifications
  • Healthcare conferences & network events
HPG works across all roles, at all levels.

The extensive networks amongst candidates and clients provide access to a wide range of candidates and employment opportunities.

We all work towards the common goal of ‘Enhancing Lives’

  • In delivering our services our focus is on quality, professionalism and excellence.

  • We operate with full respect for everyone; conduct all our activities ethically, honestly and confidentially.

  • ​We value collaboration and respect for others and we embrace different working styles and different cultures.

  • We embrace flexibility and we embrace diversity. We understand that a multi-dimensional approach improves outcomes.

  • We understand that our work affects the lives, successes and well-being of many people.

  • Our company values are focused on being knowledgeable, building relationships and providing a high-quality service.

Values - the ‘HPG way’ encompasses: Knowledge, Connectivity and Trust.

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Our culture at HPG embraces Knowledge: acquiring knowledge and sharing knowledge.

We always want to know more. We want to know about people, organisations, ways of working, best practices, success stories. We want to know what works. And what works very well.

And we are always sharing our knowledge so that others are successful,  because this improves outcomes for everyone.

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At HPG we connect - with everyone and all the time. We connect with our colleagues, we connect with our candidates and we connect with our clients. And we do this because connectivity is vital to get the results that are needed.

Insights are shared, plans discussed, thoughts, ideas, aspirations are all talked about. Conversations lead to results, and connectivity is at the core of everyone’s success.

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We value trust in all our relationships. Relationships with our candidates, relationships with our clients and relationships with our internal colleagues. This means that everyone respects others, embraces different working styles and different cultures; everyone is inclusive and everyone embraces different ways of thinking. Trust is vital as we all work towards the common goal of ‘Enhancing Lives’.



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