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Technology & the evolution of general practice

Amara's Law - "We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run"

Thank you Dr Kean-Seng Limand Dr Michael Clementsfor a brilliant presentation on Technology & the evolution of general practice at #GP20connect

Examples of technological tools that General Practitioners can utilise include remote monitoring and sensors, robotic health care providers, big data, and analytics and AI - all to help allow GP's deliver care at scale.

What are General Practitioners going to do with this technology? One doctor shared an example of how they used technology to help with Covid-19 in VIC, using pulse oximeters & thermometers to remotely monitor patients who were isolating at home, and having appointments via Telehealth.

In your ideal practice in the future, what technological tools would you choose?

My colleagues Rachele SinclairGlenn CarterBrayden BallCourtney Rocheand I are looking forward to attending more sessions this week.

Written by Cocoa Lynch, HPG

Further reading: Deloitte's "The Future of Health"https://bit.ly/3fucU5E
