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HPG Quiz Week 55 - Movember (Suicide Prevention)

​Test your knowledge with this week's HPG Quiz!

This month we’re raising awareness of Men’s Health for Movember!

Today’s quiz is all about Suicide Prevention!

Never feel ashamed to ask for help.

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Q1. Movember has funded more than ________ projects in Australia. Fill the blank.

Q2. By what percentage men out number women in suicide statistics?

Q3. We should never underestimate the power we have to connect with another person. What could you discuss within a workplace about one’s experience with suicide? 

Q4. Women are 3 times more likely than men to attempt suicide .How many more times are men like to have a fatal outcome when attempting suicide? 

Q5. What is Postvention?

Q6. Which below of the below options is considered behavioural warning signs?